One of the beaver-created dams at Woodland Valley Farm, Image by Cheryl Marriott
Beaver management
We know there are wild populations of beaver on both the Devon and Cornwall side of the River Tamar.
For any beaver management issues, please contact beavers@cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk
There is also more information and resources available on https://beavermanagement.org/
Natural England have put on class licence training to make England beaver ready. More information on the different class licence training is available on gov.uk.
If you cannot reach someone for immediate advice using this email and the emergency relates to the welfare of a beaver, such as an injured or trapped animal please contact RSPCA via 0300 1234 999 or visit What To Do With Injured Wild Animals | RSPCA
David Parkyn
Follow the Beaver Code
Stay alert: Beavers are quite easy to see if you spend time in the right areas. Mostly nocturnal, during the summer they can be seen in daylight hours
Leave your dog at home: Beavers have an excellent sense of smell and can perceive dogs as a threat
If you take your dog, keep it under control and on a lead, especially in the breeding season between May and July
Respect any landowners and other river users
Keep your distance and stay on any designated paths