The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine and Coastal Partnership (CIoS MCP) has now officially launched, as of February 22nd 2024. This partnership is currently being led by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust with funding from the Environment Agency (EA) through the 3Cs project fund; Rewilding Britain; Cornwall Council; and Natural England and with input from a steering group which includes the EA, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Catchment Partnership and Natural England.
CIoS MCP Vision:
By working collaboratively, the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine and Coastal Partnership will support the delivery of resilient marine and coastal communities and ecosystems, fostering sustainable growth in the blue economy, through joint solutions, and community-based capacity building.
Marine and Coastal Partnership Membership
As of Feb 2024 we have 31 member organisations from across the private, voluntary and public sectors represented on the partnership. The CIoS MCP welcomes membership from organisations that are working within the estuarine, coastal and/or marine sectors. The purpose of the partnership is for members to share knowledge and expertise; enhance cross-sector understanding; facilitate informed decision-making; and foster collaborative solutions, ultimately contributing to the well-being of the marine and coastal environment.
It is therefore expected that all member organisations will bring added value to the MCP and the wider stakeholders. Whether through key connections for collaboration; shared data and evidence to help drive action; innovative funding solutions; or expert advice to aid in planning and project development.
Membership with Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine and Coastal Partnership allows members to access the following resources:
- Connect, collaborate and network with other member organisations at our quarterly meetings and annual in-person conference.
- Access to various working groups covering various themes relevant to the local marine and coastal sectors
- Work with CIoS MCP and its members to develop and deliver local projects
- Stay informed on coastal and marine news and information
- Shared knowledge, data and best practice
- Be better informed on policy decisions, changes and consultations
- The ability to reach out to the wider stakeholder network via the CIoS MCP eNewsletter
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine and Coastal Partnership please email jenny.wright@cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk Please include information on your organisation and the connection to the marine and coastal sectors of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Proposed new members will be taken to the next partnership meeting for review and sign off from existing members.
Wider Stakeholders and Communications
The CIoS MCP team will continue to engage and inform all stakeholders (organisations or individuals) on the current happenings of the partnership, any relevant marine and coastal issues and information. The CIoS MCP team will send out a monthly eNewsletter to all members and those who have signed up to our mailing list. The eNewsletter will include:
- Updates on CIoS MCP’s current work and developments
- Local and national coastal, estuarine and marine news
- Information on conferences and events including our annual conference
- Links to stakeholder consultations
- Details on relevant reports, publications and new policies
To subscribe to our wider stakeholder mailing list please click here.
Cornwall Coastal Data Hub
The Cornwall Coastal Data Hub was developed and launched as part of the Cornwall 3C's fund. The aim of data hub is to act as a central location for exploring marine based digital map data for Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly. The Cornwall Coastal Data Hub will provide a variety of ecological and environmental focused coastal and marine data which can inform and contribute to environmental planning, management, and protection across the county. The Cornwall Coastal Data Hub is continually being developed and would welcome any feedback or data suggestions.
Current MCP Work
3C's Reports
MCP Minutes

Mark Hamblin/2020VISION