Island wildlife
The nature reserve is home to many nesting birds such as cormorants, shags and oystercatchers. Looe Island has the largest breeding colony in Cornwall of the majestic great black-backed gull. This species uses its size to its advantage. It is kleptoparasitic, meaning it will rob other sea birds of their catch as a means of obtaining food. Nests, which are built by both partners, are made of twigs, grass, seaweeds and other vegetable matter and lined with feathers. However eggs are still vulnerable to predation from carrion crows and rats. In 2010 a great black-backed gull ringing project was started on the island. So far almost 700 birds have been ringed and sightings of the young birds have been reported from as far afield as north-west Spain!
The island is also home to grey seals. Their Latin name, Halichoerus grypus means 'hooked-nosed sea-pig'! With adult males of about 3m long and weighing around 300 kg they are Britain's largest mammal. The seals are often seen from the island and with the help of Cornwall Seal Group and volunteers (co-ordinated by Looe Marine Conservation Group) we are conducting seal surveys using photo identification to learn more about these fascinating animals.
By clearing some of the scrub by hand, opening up small areas with the quad tractor/flail and grazing by sheep we aim to develop a grassland structure that benefits birds, invertebrates and a varied flora. Flowers and fine grasses associated with maritime grassland such as thrift, sea campion and buck's-horn plantain should see an increase over the next few years.
In 2004 a stock fence was erected, splitting the island in half. After a period of trial grazing to ensure the suitability of sheep to the island, a small flock of Hebrideans were shipped over in August 2006. Following on from their success we now have a non breeding flock of Shetland sheep. The Shetlands' capacity to utilise a wide variety of forage of poor nutritional quality, coupled with their hardiness and strength makes them the ideal conservation tool. We also have useful products such as manure making great liquid feed for the garden, and fleece washed in seawater which is a good insulator.
Across the island small wildflower meadows are being created. These areas, combined with the mix of grassland, scrub and woods have allowed numerous moths and butterflies to flourish. Most frequently spotted are speckled wood, meadow brown and red admiral although it is also possible to see beautiful silver-washed fritillaries or the day flying hummingbird hawkmoth feeding on plants such as red valerian.
The mainly sycamore woodland provides important shelter from the prevailing winds. Over the years we have taken care of the woodland through thinning, coppicing, and re planting with native species. This ensures it provides a sustainable crop for fuel, is increased in its diversity and structure but also maintains its own special wooded island atmosphere and potential to support wildlife. Our small tree nursery provides stock for future plantings, especially for creating new hedgerows to act as valuable wildlife corridors and shelter across the island.
Looe Island Nature Highlights
Looe Island: a winter update
A winter update from Looe Island including kingfishers, cormorants, seals and catkins.
An autumnal update from Looe Island Nature Reserve
As autumn arrives on Looe Island, Island Warden Claire reflects on the changing season and key species who visited over the summer, and…
An update from Looe Island
Looe Island Warden Claire Lewis shares an update featuring birds and butterflies, a pregnant seal, drone safety and the new webcam!

(c) Claire Lewis