

Palmate newt showing spotty underside

Newt encounters in the garden

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. This week Rowena examines the…

Tall blue lupins in bloom against a clear blue sky

Online Open Garden Series - Duloe Manor

Due to the coronavirus lockdown, the Open Garden events for 2020 have been cancelled. In this online Open Gardens series, we will be speaking with with those who open up their gardens for the…

Red hawthorn berries against a blue sky

Feeding birds all year round

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. This week Rowena explains why it…

Yellow-barred longhorn moth on the garden hedge

It's a June jungle out there!

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-)Roving Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. This week Rowena explores her '…


Online Open Gardens series - Lethytep

Due to the coronavirus lockdown, the Open Garden events for 2020 have been cancelled. In this online Open Gardens series, we will be speaking with with those who open up their gardens for the…

Cinnabar caterpillar on ragwort, Penhale

The unlikely stars of the garden?

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-)Roving Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. Following on from Rowena's…


Online Open Gardens series - Restineas

Due to the coronavirus lockdown, the Open Garden events for 2020 have been cancelled. In this online Open Gardens series, we will be speaking with with those who open up their gardens for the…

House sparrows enjoying their bath today - Rowena Millar

Give wildlife access to water

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-)Roving Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. This week Rowena talks us through how…