

Two lemons in a greenhouse

A winter wildlife-garden wander

As we come to the end of 2020, a year in which many of us have appreciated our gardens as a lockdown haven, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's currently non-roving Wildlife Reporter Rowena Millar…

Hedgehog eating in the garden

The Great Big Hedgehog Quiz

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, has adopted the role of wildlife Christmas quizmaster for her latest blog. How many questions can you answer…

Oak seedlings in garden pots

Tree seeds and saplings

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. November is a great month to collect…

Red Admiral Butterfly on Snowdrop Flowers

An admirable garden butterfly

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife. This week, it's all about…