
Chyverton Woodland

Ben Watkins


An excellent site to view ancient Cornish hedgerows; an excellent habitat in their own right


About a mile east of Marazanvose
A static map of Chyverton

Know before you go

4 hectares

Grazing animals

Yes, we usually use native breed ponies to graze this site.

Walking trails

Track through woodland can be wet and muddy


Public footpaths around the reserve. The terrain can be difficult and muddy.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

This reserve consists of flower-rich meadows, ancient Cornish hedgerows and mixed woodland. Because the meadows have been largely unimproved for agricultural purposes, they provide a variety of habitats for a diverse range of wildlife. Dorset heath, a rare plant in the UK, can be seen here as well as the southern marsh orchid. Cornish hedges are stone-faced banks filled with earth and are an excellent wildlife habitat in their own right

Contact us

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01872 273939