
Black Tailed Godwits

WildNet - Jim Higham


A wide, flat-bottomed estuary with an abundance of molluscs and bird species


The reserve is situated on the Roseland Peninsula. The nearest village is Ruan Lanihorne
A static map of Fal-Ruan

Know before you go

41 hectares

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Access is very limited. There is no access to the Trelonk part of the reserve as it is bounded by private farmland and impassable mudflats. However it may be seen from lanes around Ruan Lanihorne. The Ardevora section is only accessible by boat. The exposed mudflats are potentially dangerous, so visitors are requested not to attempt to gain access by crossing them.


Access is limited. Please contact the Trust for further information.


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July, October to February

About the reserve

This reserve covers the wide, flat-bottomed Fal estuary, whose mudflats contain white china clay waste once washed downriver from the clay extraction sites near St Austell. The land contours create sheltered conditions and oak trees grow down to the tidal waters. Greenshanks are often seen here and small numbers of black-tailed godwit visit from July to January. Invertebrate animals live in the mud and create the rich estuarine ecosystem

Contact us

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01872 273939