
Rosebay willowherb

Paul Lane


An old quarry with important geological features.


St Austell
A static map of Tresayes

Know before you go

1 hectare

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Uneven tracks and a small section of boardwalk lead to the rock face


Access can be gained via prosper road, there is also a public footpath which leads to the reserve. Terrain can be difficult, contact the Trust for disabled access information.


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

May to August

About the reserve

This quarry is now filled with willow scrub with a stream. The primary interest of the site is its geology. Pegmatites can be seen here, formed by molten magma rising from deep below the surface of the earth, forming pegmatites. These pegmatites are important as they are natural concentrators of rare elements, such as niobium, cerium and beryllium. Leftover magma formed a finer-grained granite and then a speckly grey rock, locally called 'blue elvan', which was quarried for roadstone.

Contact us

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01872 273939