Shetland sheep flock to Looe Island

Shetland sheep flock to Looe Island

24 Shetland sheep are joining the current small flock of Hebridean sheep at Looe Island to graze the island.As a native hardy breed, they will be free to roam the windward side of the island, rather than the more sheltered wooded side. Keeping this nature reserve maintained is a full-time job for our wardens Claire and Jon, who were joined by a group of volunteers from mainland Looe.
"Grazing more sheep will help keep the maritime grassland in good order so wildlife can flourish. A more open habitat with grassy ledges and a mosaic of small scrubby patches improves conditions for nesting birds. Sheep tracks, foot divots and resting places leave little areas of bare soil, which is ideal for seeds to germinate, that insects and birds can then forage on".
Jon Ross, Looe Island Nature Reserve Warden
Cornwall Wildlife Trust

It costs £1,972 every day to manage our nature reserves.

Caring for such extraordinary places takes constant dedication

Update from Jon and Claire on Looe Island: The lambs are looking very at home on the island in wet and windy weather!  It was satisfying getting them out here safely. From finding them (Claire and our shearer did a lot of asking around), to thinking about how to contain them in the boat and finding stuff up at West Muchlarnick to build a pen ... and of course the help of the volunteers on a Saturday morning!