

Vote Power for Cornish Wildlife

Vote Power for Cornish Wildlife

Cornwall Wildlife Trust has been shortlisted for the M & S Energy Fund and voting is now open for a chance for them to win funding to install Solar PV which will reduce carbon and running…

Back to nature with Trust gardens finale

Back to nature with Trust gardens finale

A treat awaits visitors for the grand finale of Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s popular Open Gardens scheme as they visit the truly unique Tanglewood Wild Garden on Sunday 10th September and finish off…

Cornish valley garden abuzz with wildlife

Cornish valley garden abuzz with wildlife

Nestling in deep oak woodland, the Carminowe Valley Garden is an abundant wildlife garden, overlooking the beautiful Carminowe Valley towards Loe Pool, and is the latest to open as part of…

Wildlife partnership flying high

Wildlife partnership flying high

Vine House Farm, the home of pioneering wildlife-friendly farmer Nicolas Watts and his family, grows 400 acres of bird seed, including 100 acres of sunflowers, and is a haven for a host of…

Beautiful Prisk Cove on the Helford River proved to have rich pickings for a lucky group of individuals and families that attended a recent Rockpool Ramble event. Over 40 people attended the event hosted by Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s marine team who were on hand to identify finds, and kindly sponsored by Helston based children’s wear company Frugi.

Muscle-man Crab is the Star of Rockpool Ramble!

Beautiful Prisk Cove on the Helford River proved to have rich pickings for a lucky group of individuals and families that attended a recent Rockpool Ramble event. Over 40 people attended the event…

Eden joins in support of Cornwall Good Seafood Guide

Eden joins in support of Cornwall Good Seafood Guide

The Eden Project has joined Nathan Outlaw, Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall restaurant, St Austell Brewery and more than 70 other local businesses pledging to help towards healthy seas and support…

Beautiful garden created in Cornish quarry

Beautiful garden created in Cornish quarry

Their garden may be located in an area of predominately Cornish granite, but this hasn’t stopped the owners of Bolts Quarry Farm from transforming where originally there wasn’t a garden at all…

Increase in Cornish Marine Disturbance

Increase in Cornish Marine Disturbance

A steady increase in incidents of disturbance to marine wildlife has been reported to Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s hotline over the past few weeks, with the start of the summer holiday season.

The ‘good life’ at Meadowside

The ‘good life’ at Meadowside

Meadowside, a six-acre smallholding at Trevarth, Redruth, is managed with wildlife in mind and it attracts a large variety of birds and insects. Hedgehogs are often seen here, along with rabbits…

Vibrant marine life surveyed on Manacles Reef

Vibrant marine life surveyed on Manacles Reef

The Manacles, a treacherous rocky reef that juts out from the Lizard peninsula, famous for the shipwrecks that it has caused, is also designated as a Marine Conservation Zone. Cornwall Wildlife…