Be a Wildlife Hero

Be a wildlife hero

Be a Wildlife Hero

We live in a spectacular and wildlife-rich area. But maintaining Cornwall's natural environment and wildlife habitats calls for constant vigilance - and occasional action. Can you be a wildlife hero?

Cornwall's wildlife needs heroes. People who, instead of complaining to friends and feeling unsure what to do, do something positive to put a stop to careless or criminal activity.

Cornwall needs every one of us to pause when we see our wildlife or landscape under threat... and then put in that urgent phone call or email.

Wildlife Hero

We don't suggest that you confront anyone or risk your personal safety. What we do encourage is to take positive action by reporting what you've seen to the appropriate body (see our Wildlife Hero Action Guide download below - there is no shortage of organisations ready to act - all they need are the facts to alert them).

So the next time you see a wildlife disturbance or senseless littering and pollution, make a call - and make a difference