Reserve Guardians
Help us to protect wildlife, increase biodiversity, help combat climate change for Cornwall and support the health and wellbeing of your local community by helping to provide a space for nature that we can all enjoy.
Human activity is having a devastating impact on nature. UK biodiversity has decreased in its abundance by around 41% in the last 40 years alone, around 15% of UK species are threatened, and we are on the brink of a climate crisis, the effects of which will be irreversible unless we act now and protect our environment.
Cornwall Wildlife Trust plays a pivotal role in tackling these challenges locally. We manage 59 nature reserves across the county, covering over 2000 hectares of land; much of this land protects vulnerable species, increases biodiversity and captures carbon emissions from our atmosphere combatting climate change.
It is our aim to establish a coherent and resilient ecological network that will not only help wildlife cope with change but will also improve the ability of the natural environment to provide for us.
Caring for such extraordinary places takes constant dedication. Every year it costs over £720k to manage our nature reserves and we need your support. We are looking for businesses who share our vision of a wilder Cornwall to partner with us and support our reserves work. This way Cornwall’s habitats and wildlife can thrive, be enjoyed by all, and we can increase the biodiversity of Cornwall and help to combat climate change together.
The scheme would see your business become a Reserve Guardian for one of our 59 reserves. This could be a reserve that is close to your offices, one that is regularly visited by your local community, one that provides a home for your staff’s favourite species or simply one you hold close to your heart.
We're really proud of our relationship with Cornwall Wildlife Trust and were delighted to become Reserve Guardians. We had been reviewing our charitable giving and were feeling like we wanted the money we donated to be more visible to us and our team, and so becoming guardians of a nature reserve just over the road from our workshop was the perfect solution. As a business, we can feel connected to every penny we donate and we are also giving our time to bring the nature reserve back to life, both for wildlife and our local communityGreen & Blue
Our Reserve Guardians programs start from £2,000 + VAT. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Reserves Guardian for your local nature reserve or to enquire about which reserves are currently available please email or call our Corporate Partnerships Officer, Rowan:
Call: 07932545538
Email: Rowan.Hartgroves@cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk
Typically funds raised from our Reserve’s Guardians scheme are pooled into our Reserves Fund. This is to ensure all our reserves get the required attention necessary to allow us to look after all 59 reserves all year round. Your donation will not only be helping your local reserve but wildlife across the County. If you have any questions regarding this approach, please ask for further details.