Photo by Jenny Nix
Photo by Jenny Nix
The weekend event, supported by South West Water and West Briton built on the success of previous years and was a wonderful showcase of all the important work the Trust does protecting Cornwall’s wildlife and wild places.
Visitors to the event were thrilled to be able to get close to and learn all about owls, buzzards, hawks and even snakes with the ever popular Feadon Farm Wildlife Centre. There was also a chance to see Trebah’s wild birds with the British Trust for Ornithology putting on live bird ringing demonstrations. Tiny creatures were seen in fascinating detail with Kernow Microscopical Society and Cornwall Bat Group gave a rare opportunity to meet these nocturnal species. Cornwall Seal Group and Helford Marine Conservation Group also joined in to share their important work.
Trebah was a hive of wildlife inspired creativity with the nature reserves team helping visitors to make their own bird boxes whilst Fox Club, the Trust’s junior membership gave young wildlife lovers the chance to make their own bespoke owl mask! Add in pond dipping, specialist wildlife walks, guided nature photography and low tide rockpool rambles in brilliant sunshine and a wild time was had by all!
Dee Reeves, Trustee for Cornwall Wildlife Trust said,
"It was a great privilege for Cornwall Wildlife Trust supporters to visit this superb garden - especially at this time of year - and for us to be able to hold this unique event which showcases Cornwall’s wildlife and the work we do to protect it.
"With something for everyone whatever their interest in wildlife conservation, it was absolutely delightful to see people young and old enjoying themselves and engaging in our work and passions. We would like to sincerely thank Trebah for providing the perfect setting and South West Water and the West Briton for their valuable support”.
Speaking about the weekend Nigel Burnett, Trebah Garden’s Director says
“In this our third year of hosting the Trust’s Wildlife Celebration , we were blessed with superb weather helping to put the “icing on the cake” as it were to an excellent, engaging and extremely well supported event. It was heartening to see so many visitors of all ages enjoying the displays and presentations that Cornwall Wildlife Trust, their staff and volunteers so enthusiastically made available to their members and to our garden visitors. I would like to thank on behalf of Trebah and the Trust, to express appreciation to Chris and Jean Kessell for their goodwill and support by providing additional land for car parking, without which the event could not have taken place”.
Alan Hyde Head of Communications for South West Water’s said
“We were delighted to support this fantastic event in an amazing location. It was a great opportunity to talk to people about how looking after water is a starting place for looking after wildlife and how looking after both is good for everyone.”