Priddacombe Downs

Priddacombe Downs

Priddacombe Downs, Image by Peter Kent

Priddacombe Downs

A large area of open moorland lying at the northern end of Bodmin Moor


North of the A30, near to Jamaica Inn
A static map of Priddacombe Downs

Know before you go

91 hectares

Grazing animals


Walking trails

No vehicular access to the reserve; visitors must walk along a rough track from the A30 for 1 mile. No footpaths and ground is uneven and can be very wet.


There are no footpaths around this reserve, contact the Trust for further access information.


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to September

About the reserve

This reserve is a large area of open moorland lying at the northern end of Bodmin Moor. A Bronze Age cairn sits at the reserve's highest point and standing stones form part of the area's prehistoric landscape. Botanical species include bogbean, which is present in the still shallow margins of wet hollows.

Contact us

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01872 273939