St Austell Bay Maerl Evening

A small spotted catshark swims over pink maerl. The text "St Austell Bay Maerl Evening" is displayed above the scene, with logos for Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Seasearch, and Natural England at the bottom.

St Austell Bay Maerl Evening

Join Cornwall Wildlife Trust for an online session talking all things Maerl!

Event details


7:00pm - 8:30pm

About the event

Find out about the incredible rare habitat we have here in Cornwall, why it’s so important and updates on recent research.

Maerl is a rare and important blue carbon habitat found in only a few places in the UK… and St Austell Bay is one of them! 

During this online event, members of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust marine team will be talking about a the recent findings from the St Austell Bay Blue Carbon Mapping project, funded by Natural England.

This will include results from acoustic surveys, dive surveys and eDNA analysis, giving a closer insight to what we know about this rarely studied habitat.

There will also be a chance to ask questions to the panel of speakers about the project and what is coming next with or Tor to Shore project starting in October 2024.

This event is FREE to attend but booking is required.

We hope to see you all there! 

More information on speakers will be revealed soon

Where: Online (via Microsoft Teams)

When: Wednesday 25th September, 7 – 8:30pm

Cost: This event is completely FREE however booking is required

This event has been made possible through Your Shore.




Suitable for

Families, Adults, Experts, Beginners

Contact us

Katie Bellman