Penlee Battery

Penlee Battery

Tony Atkin

Penlee Battery

The Battery enjoys stunning panoramic views of Plymouth Sound and comprises woodland and coastal grassland.


Just outside of Rame
A static map of Penlee Battery

Know before you go

7 hectares

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Footpaths are good.


Footpaths around the reserve which are accessible for pushchairs and wheelchairs.


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

The Battery comprises woodland and coastal grassland. The reserve is on the site of a former defensive and strategically placed Battery, used throughout both World Wars. One of the most distinctive plants found here is the bee orchid, whose lower lip resembles the body of a queen bee in colour and shape.

Contact us

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01872 273939