March for Clean Water - 3 November 2024

Split level view of the River Itchen, with aquatic plants: Blunt-fruited Water-starwort (Callitriche obtusangula)
England: Hampshire, Ovington, May - Linda Pitkin/2020VISION

March for Clean Water 2024

On Sunday 3 November, thousands of people from around the UK will protest about the state of our rivers and seas.

With a new UK Government now in place, commitments to clean up our water supply and restore our rivers and seas must be prioritised. We have been calling on the UK Government to halve water pollution; fund our regulators so they can enforce the law; and give precious, rare chalk streams in particular the proper protection they need from development. 

The March falls around 100 days of the new Labour Government being elected. We were pleased to see a Water: Special Measures Bill 

Register to join the March here

Our friends at River Action have arranged this peaceful, legal event. Everyone is invited – from bathers, swimmers, paddlers, waders, to anglers, sailors, surfers, rowers and all other water-lovers, and all members of the public.

During the March, River Action will be asking politicians of all parties to support 3 aims to demand the change needed for clean, healthy and abundant water, for people and for wildlife, once again.

What are politicians being asked to do?

River Action is asking the UK Government to put an end to the travesty of our polluted rivers, lakes, sea and reservoirs by:

  • Reforming Regulation – conduct an immediate root-and-branch review of Ofwat & the Environment Agency to put a complete stop to any industry knowingly and wantonly polluting our waters for profit and greed.
  • Enforcing the law – the laws and regulations are already in place that can end water pollution. The new Government must uphold and enforce them.  
  • Stopping ‘pollution for profit‘ – make sure ALL polluting industries invest here and now for the long term; upgrading infrastructure, reducing water wastage and leaks, helping farmers restore habitats, increasing efficient water use everywhere.


If you're interested in learning more about water here in Cornwall, about pollution, flooding and climate resilience, then check out our recent episode on the Wild Cornwall podcast where we chat to Jade Neville, Catchment Partnership Officer for Cornwall Wildlife Trust, and Simon Jeffery, Senior Advisor for Cornwall for Flood and Coastal Risk Management at the Environment Agency. 

Listen to the Podcast now