Temperate Rainforest Restoration Project

Temperate Rainforest sunset. Image by Ben Porter

Image by Ben Porter

Temperate Rainforest Restoration Project

Cornwall Wildlife Trust plans to restore incredible temperate rainforest habitat at West Muchlarnick Farm, near Looe. Our aim is to connect land around this reserve through a combination of planting native trees, allowing for natural regeneration, and protecting native species to bring back this lost ecosystem.

Left as a legacy to Cornwall Wildlife Trust in the early 2000s with a wish that the land would be used to benefit wildlife, West Muchlarnick Farm has huge potential. The site is over 150 acres, split between four areas. The majority of it comprises mostly grassland fields, with some trees and small strips of woodland. However, one area of the site is already covered by temperate rainforest.

Temperate Rainforest Appeal

West Muchlarnick Farm - 2024

The land at West Muchlarnick Farm in 2024. Graphic by Lou Jones Design

West Muchlarnick Farm - 2074

Temperate Rainforest restoration by 2074. Graphic by Lou Jones Design

Set within a network of woodlands along West Looe River, West Muchlarnick Farm is an ideal location to bring back the lost temperate rainforest that existed here in the past. The local river valley creates just the right kind of damp conditions â€“ and connecting up woodlands in this area will help wildlife, which relies on these habitats, to thrive. 

West Muchlarnick Farm - from the air, April 2024

West Muchlarnick Farm from above (April 2024). Image by Atlas Film Co.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust will only use sites for temperate rainforest restoration where there are limitations for food production, actively avoiding using grade 1 or 2 agricultural land; West Muchlarnick Farm comprises grade 3 and 4. 

Temperate Rainforest at West Muchlarnick. Image by Atlas Film Co.

Area of the site at West Muchlarnick already covered by temperate rainforest. Image by Atlas Film Co. 

Where is West Muchlarnick Farm?

Graphic by Lou Jones Design

Temperate Rainforest sunset. Image by Ben Porter

Image by Ben Porter

Temperate Rainforest Appeal
