Breeding Bird Surveyor

Breeding Bird Surveyor

Cornwall Wildlife Trust HQ, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, Cornwall , TR4 9DJ

Chris Gomersall/2020 VISION

Birdwatching is an enjoyable pastime. Combining your interest in birds with surveying will not only improve your skills and wellbeing but provide Cornwall Wildlife Trust with valuable data used to monitor changes in populations on our nature reserves and manage them effectively. To understand how different species of birds use our sites and therefore manage them effectively, we need to collect data in a structured way.

Key Responsibilities
• Adopt designated transects on our reserves across Cornwall.
• Complete surveys a minimum of twice a year in Spring.
• Use the mobile app ‘Survey 123’ to record and submit survey data directly to us.

• Commitment to survey your adopted site(s) annually to ensure robust data collection.
• Enthusiasm for wildlife conservation and a keen interest in birdwatching.

Experience in breeding bird surveying is desirable, but not essential, however a reasonable level of bird identification skills is necessary. Volunteers will need to be able to identify the common birds likely to be encountered on the survey site by both sight and sound.

If you would like to boost your skills keep an eye out for upcoming ERCCIS workshops.

There is also the option to partner up with other surveyors to adopt a transect.

You will receive a pack containing all essential information including:

  • How to carry out a survey
  • How to download and use Survey123
  • Your point/transect
  • Health and Safety

Surveys are conducted outdoors when there is low wind, good visibility and fair weather. Some reserves are in remote locations so access to a car may be needed.

Transects will require walking substantial distances over uneven, wet and occasionally slippery terrain. There may also be steep inclines, gates and/or stiles to go across. Volunteers should be comfortable both standing and walking for long periods of time.

The role will require two early morning spring visits per year. 

How to Apply: 

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Abby Whitmore, Structured Monitoring Officer,