

An alert hare amongst the grassland

Mammal Magic in Spring

Spring is a great time to spot wildlife including our mammals! At this time of year, badger and fox cubs are starting to come above ground, hedgehogs are very active in the garden and bats have…

Stonechat perched on thorns

An unusual garden visitor

Lockdown continues to be a difficult time for many, but garden wildlife and sounds of the dawn chorus are bringing some much-needed comfort to those at home. To celebrate all the wonderful…

A close-up photograph of newly-laid frogspawn

From black blobs to frogs’ legs

This March, we’re celebrating all the wildlife and incredible insects that our gardens have to offer. Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s (currently non-roving) reporter Rowena Millar is back with another…

Oak seedlings in garden pots

From little acorns...

Rowena Millar, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's (currently Non-Roving) Wildlife Reporter, continues to show us how to make the best of our gardens for wildlife during lockdown. This time, Rowena…