Fox Corner
A small, very peaceful urban nature reserve with a mixture of semi-natural habitats including unimproved grassland, scrub and a pond
Ben Watkins
35 results
A small, very peaceful urban nature reserve with a mixture of semi-natural habitats including unimproved grassland, scrub and a pond
An important haven for a wide variety of wildlife
A small nature reserve by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust Head Offices.
A former mine site, with newly planted woodland, ponds and regenerating heathland
A wide, flat-bottomed estuary with an abundance of molluscs and bird species
An excellent site to view ancient Cornish hedgerows; an excellent habitat in their own right
An exceptionally rich mosaic of wet and dry heath, with areas of bog, ponds and woodland
Situated between Truro and Falmouth and dating back to at least the 1650s, Devichoys Wood is an excellent example of unspoiled ancient woodland.
A small reserve of mixed broad-leaved woodland in a steep-sided valley with a fast-flowing stream
An important fragment of Tywarnhayle Common, comprised of wet and dry heathland. Please note that the public footpath at this reserve is temporarily shut.
59 results